ConnGame (Unity Web Player)

Built with beta version of Unity. In case of problems please try one of the standalone versions!

« created with Unity »

Ludum Dare 30
August 23rd-25th 2014
Theme: Connected worlds.
Entry page:

A (hopefully humorous) text adventure game. Our interpretation of the theme: During the breaks you are supposed to play other games from our jam locations - the ones referenced in each world.
There you can get a present which allows you to get further in this game, which is the connecting element between the worlds.

If you cannot figure out which other games are the ones referenced or in case of technical difficulties, the codes are as follows:

  1. Frozen Mirror - ice
  2. 10Up: Interdimensional Liquids +
    Just an ordinary day (10UP edition) - 403
  3. Hero of Elements - hero
  4. Space Pioneers - moon
  5. Crumbling Planets - help
  6. Neon Multiverse - cube

Made by Max Maag, Christian Reuter and Bernd Bohmeier
at TU Darmstadt, Multimedia Communications Lab (